ICA ChiroCast

Chiropractic Excellence: Insights from Dr. Hulsebus and Dr. Amunategui II

International Chiropractors Association Season 1 Episode 17

Join Dr. Brant Hulsebus and Dr. Joe Amunategui II in this insightful episode of the ICA Sports and Fitness Science Podcast. The discussion delves into chiropractic techniques designed for athletes and how these methods can be applied to everyday patients. Dr. Joe shares his experiences with professional athletes and the benefits of using drop tables for high-velocity adjustments. Anecdotes about famous personalities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Colombo highlight the evolution of chiropractic care and its impact on the sports world. Tune in to learn more about how these innovative techniques can enhance performance and support overall health. Don't miss the full demonstration available on the ICA website.

, Mhm. Mhm. hello and welcome to another ICA sports and fitness science podcast. I'm Dr. Brant Hulsebus coming at you here with another one of our board members and a good friend of mine, Dr. Joe Amunategui II. And we've been talking a lot about chiropractic technique. Part of what we're doing with our council is we are going to come to your state association. We're going to come to your conferences. We're going to put together a couple of hours of education so you can earn a certificate that you are a sports chiropractor certified by the ICA sports and fitness science council. And so Dr. Joe here has put together some technique. Now what we're going to do is we're going to talk a little bit about this technique. But if you want to see more, he's actually uploaded a whole video of him taking care of a patient with some leg issues. And you can go to the ICA website or the YouTube if you're listening to this. If you're watching it, you're all set. But if you're listening to this, go on to the ICA's website. Go to the ICA Sports and Science Fitness Council. page. And there you'll see our blogs and our posts. You can watch the whole video. So Dr. Joe, you talked a lot about in your video, the ability to adjust someone today and have them immediately go back to play and not need a couple of days of recovery. Can you talk more on this topic for us, please? Silence. they need to be out there. If we're there at their. It's specific sport. We're going to definitely be making sure that they're going to get out there and do their best and optimal performance. And I've had people that were completely injured and they weren't going to be able to go on and they ended up winning the entire tournament. Whether it's a world's strongest man or professional powerlifters runners, tennis players boxers. I used to work with Angelo Dundee when he was in Fort Lauderdale with his boxers back when he was alive. That's how long I've been doing it. And you know, a couple of guys on ESPN as well as ringside at several boxing matches. So, you know, there's a, there's a gamut that opens up for chiropractors that professional athletes are very knowledgeable about what we do and what we're able to do and how it can enhance their sport. Well, recently I was, did a podcast and got to go to Madison with Dr. Todd McDougle, and he was showing me that he is a lot of short level, high velocity adjustments using drop tables, a Thompson table and the Tooley table and stuff like that. Now, I noticed that you've incorporated also in your adjustment. Now, do you find that that's. a real benefit to the athlete versus say a God's dead side posture or cervical chair or something like that. Absolutely. And that's why Dr. McDougle and myself both use the drop tables, at events. And the Tully tables, one of the best for sure. I have a Lloyd table. That's a portable drop as well. And depends what sport I'm going to the bigger, the person, the thicker, the table you need. of course. You know, the drop is going to take out a lot of the pressure on the tissue that you're adjusting into. So, not only does it help you as a doctor, because you're not wrecking your shoulders, which a lot of young chiropractors don't know is a possibility yet, because like myself, They were all invincible when they first got into practice and in their prime. But as you get older, you definitely need to take care of your body as well as the patients. So if you're not causing as much force into the patient, guess what? You're not doing that on your joints either. And so that's great for your wrist, your elbows, your shoulders. And that's where chiropractors. Generally are going to all have situations as they get older. If they don't incorporate proper techniques, not only for their patients, but for themselves as well. I think that's an advantage that you and I both have is both of our fathers practice chiropractic too. And we got to kind of watch to see what happened to their bodies as they wore down. Like, you know, I think when I'm my dad's age and I'm living on the beach or in the mountains somewhere, I think I want to be able to enjoy myself. So coming up with techniques that don't destroy the chiropractor is very important, especially for the patient's sake too. Absolutely. you know, like yourself, I watched my dad with his shoulders and, he was a You know, like your dad coming from the chiropractic realm from the 1950s and early 60s where, you know, you went in there and you did an adjustment and the person knew they were just, I mean, I, I remember like when somebody else adjusted me for the first time, like they didn't do anything. I was like, what do you, you know, are you going to put any power into that or what are you going to do? You know, and like later on. I found out that, you know, there's other techniques that also help. And so when I got into the drop work and of course, you know, Pierce and Thompson were both big advocates as well as Cale, there's all, there's a lot of doctors that have incorporated drop into their technique. And so I've also done that as well as Dr. Todd and you're going to see. you already know, but the people that are joining us are going to see that most of these chiropractors that are on the board right now have come up with a combination and a compilation of eating at buffet, I call it, and learning all the different techniques and then incorporating and bringing their own to the table. that's what I've done with my technique which I been calling chiroathletica, you know, because of The idea that Dr. Gretelia and myself had come up with and Dr. McDouglel's part of that as well. So it's, it's really fun that we get to bring all our techniques to the new doctors and say, look, this is a great way to. Bring care to your patients. That's not going to be invasive as some of the older techniques, but at the same time, it's truly powerful enough to get a 430 pound man back out into the his workforce on stage doing what he does. And and that's really important. I mean, you, I don't have to tell you, you've been working with professional athletes. of your life, right? As well as I, so it's really, we got a Oh, yeah. advantage, watching our fathers and and seeing the amount of humbleness that they bring to the table as they worked on so many visibility people in their lives, you know, so I, Well, one thing I found too is But I'd love to, you know what I mean? I got lucky because I came back here after doing some adjusting styles like you did in your video, which I hope people stay, get to find this online and watch it and see you work with the patient. But I actually got to apply this to more than athlete because we talk a lot about the fact that your adjustment really focuses on getting the bone to get. adjusted, but at the same time, it's also increasing the stability. So I had a 78 year old retired nurse who's taking care of her husband, who is having all kinds of lower back problems. And so I use this technique, not the same force I did with the strong man, right? But I use the same science and the same adjusting and the angles. And she couldn't be happier that she's able to take care of her husband now and do things. And so it's been neat that this, this, you learn on the athletes and you learn how to apply it to your everyday patients. You find that to be true too, I'm absolutely sure. That's awesome. Yeah. lady who first sang on broadcast TV in New York, and the big deal was to get it over the mountains into the cat skills, and if they did that, NBC was going to buy the camera system. I mean, these people have, such great history. And so privileged to work with them and give them the vitality that they deserve at a hundred years old. And they're still driving themselves to our practice because of chiropractic care and really a lifestyle based on, you know, health and wellness. I was on stage one time with Arnold Schwarzenegger and I said to him, I, you know, he was given a an achievement award to Franco Colombo before he passed. And Franco Colombo and and Arnold were great friends since they came to the United States together back in the late sixties, early seventies. And I was into it as a young child, because my dad was into strongman stuff himself, and he would lay on his stomach and pick up a couch by the wooden and he was into blowing up the hot water bottles and that stuff. And it was really fun to grow up with those old time strongmen. type things. Anyway, we were watching the bodybuilding because my father was into weightlifting as well. And at that time it wasn't popular. And one of the announcers and reporters was interviewing Franco Colombo, which, you know, became a chiropractor. He was in school for chiropractic at that time. And he ended up being on the board of the California, you know, Chiropractic Association, as well as. Trailblazer and in bodybuilding. So as well as it goes, I'm watching the show and Arnold gets interviewed and then they go to Franco and they said to him, they said, so you had to stop school and know, for this contest and you took off a semester and Franco said, yes, you know, it's very important to me. And I took off the semester from school and they said, well, I hear you're in school to be a doctor. And he said, yes, I am. And this is in 1972. And so they were into the impression that Weightlifting made you stupid, right? And they were like, are you using these dumbbells and they're making you dumb? Is that why you can't go to school? And they're like, and you know, Franco Colombo was from know, Italy and Island, a small Island off of Italy. And, and he was like, not great with his English yet. And Arnold was a lot better, even though his brogue was very strong. Grabbed the microphone from the, from the announcer because Franco couldn't answer. And he said, you make fun of us now, but he said one day. Everybody will be lifting weights. There'll be weights in hospitals. There'll be weights in condominiums. There'll be weights on cruise ships. He said, there's going to be, everybody will be into health and wellness and you will see people lifting weights in everyday life. They'll have them in their homes. And so and he gives the guy back the microphone and he's, and the guy goes, well, I don't know about that, but we'll see. And I reminded Arnold that interview. And he couldn't believe that I saw it, you know, and he and I said, you know, you, you might want to incorporate this while you're talking to given Franco's lifetime achievement award. And he did. He changed his whole speech up for that. And said, can you believe you prophesize something that happened in your lifetime that the entire world lifts weights, you know, it's pretty amazing, you know but as chiropractors, we're in the same ballpark, you know, chiropractic is coming into play. You know, they would tell our fathers and we heard it growing up. You're not real doctors, you know, Oh, you can't give medication. And our dads would say, it's not that we can't put that in our curriculum. We choose not to, there's enough people doing that. We're here to do something different. We are different. We're here to help people Yep. We're going to let the body that the power that made the body heal the body. And you know, when you put stitches on a cut. That's not making the cut heal. The body's still healing it. You're just healing it pretty now. That's what the stitches are doing. And so, a little bit faster, but as far as it goes, you know, we get to party with the power of the universe. I mean, as chiropractors, and I hope a lot of the new people that are coming in understand magnitude of these adjustments when we're bringing people that wouldn't even have completed a competition into being the champions. And we can all be champions that way. you know, I think I ran off on a spiel there, but I got away from the technique, but I'm so passionate about chiropractic like yourself, you know, sometimes that happens, Absolutely. So, absolutely. We're going to wrap this up and I'm going to remind everybody, go to chiropractic. org. That's where the ICA's website is. From there, you'll see the science, the sports, the Chiropractic Sports and Science Fitness Council. And there you'll be able to see this video. So I want you, I'm glad you're listening. I'm glad you're hearing us. I want you to go to the website and I want you to watch it. If you're on Facebook or YouTube, the video is going to start as soon as we're done. I'm going to put that on right after this. But if you're just listening in your car and you're working out at the gym, hopefully listening to our podcast, we will have a video available for you. So go check us out somewhere else. And I, I always finish the same way. Dr. Joe, any final words for us? you know, let's, let's get out there and change this world a spine at a time. You know, we all have the ability where the chiropractors were the, you know, trailblazers of the healthcare profession. And let's not lose our identity. Please, please, please take a look at this technique and and go ahead and get certified by all the techniques from these fantastic doctors that are on our board. And that's what I have for you. Thanks for having me on. the opportunity. Absolutely. So on that note, if you'd like to see our group come to your state association, to your conference. Put together our curriculum so you can get your certification. Just contact the ICA again, chiropractic. org. You can go there, let them know you want us and they'll get ahold of us. So now I'm going to turn this off. If you like what you're seeing, please like, subscribe, share with others, and we're going to keep coming at you with the latest in chiropractic and sports and fitness science, all as much as we can, but every two weeks, make sure you keep checking our podcast out. All right, everybody. We're going to sign off for now. High five. It's a It's a It's a It's a It's a It's a