ICA ChiroCast

Jon Stucky DC ICA Sports and Fitness Science Council

International Chiropractors Association Season 1 Episode 5

Let's introduce our Vice Chair of the ICA Sports and Fitness Science Council, Jon Stucky DC.  Dr Stucky shares his views and goals of the council and what it brings to the individual chiropractor practicing in their own town.  Come back later because we will revisit with Dr Stucky as he takes care of athletes from Rodeo to Golf.

. I'm Dr. Brant Hulsebus, chiropractor, and we are meeting with another one of our board members ICA sports and fitness science councils. We're getting ready to relaunch this group. We wanted to bring you each one of our board members to tell you a little bit about the vision that we're all bringing to this because we're all coming from different angles. So I'd like to introduce my good friend, Dr. Jon Stucky, would you go ahead and introduce yourself and tell us who you are, where you're at and are you here? Thanks, Brant. Dr. Jon Stucky. I'm in Hyrum, Utah, which is in northern Utah. I've been a chiropractor now for almost 30 plus years and, , second generation chiropractor and and excited to be on the sports and fitness council. All right. So we're going to relaunch this council. It was a active council before doing a lot of bodybuilding and strongman stuff. I know we had the Arnold classic for 25, 30 years, but we're relaunching the new look and a new feel. You want to tell us a little bit, some of the things that you're seeing us, that's going to make it different than it was before. Yeah, I think it's going to be a different viewpoint a little bit. We're going to try to bring it down to a smaller level and an easier level for each of the chiropractors to bring to their patients and to their community. We all have weekend warriors. We all have high school athletes. We all have, maybe we even have some professional athletes in our practices. So what things can benefit all of them and how can we better the masses and better the sports people and the participants and how can we address their needs a little better? And so I think as we bring those people And as we see the chiropractors now utilizing skills and techniques and things that will help them day to day, I think this could be a very interesting and a very acceptable thing for each of the chiropractors around the world. Yeah. I see us helping out, coming up with better care for athletes. But it's also a part for the individual chiropractor we're focusing on too. You want to talk about a little bit, how we're going to help the average chiropractor in middle America, just seeing patients every day become more of a IC sports and fitness science member. I think I think what we're trying to do now is bring techniques and bring little things that you can use every day. So we're going to be a hands on group a little bit more. I think that's what you'll see There's other groups that are around that are you know, like the american chiropractic board of sports physicians Those guys have a program. We're not going to try to duplicate that the federation the international federation of Chiropractic sports physicians or FICS they have a program. That's really good too. But we can dovetail on some of those things and we can add our membership to theirs and help those guys out a little bit. If you want a little deeper understanding of sports but this will be. A hands on kind of technique and bringing back the adjustment a little bit and those techniques that will help your patients in different ways just not knowledge, but also technique. And then, you and I also have. Quite a background on different sports that we've been involved in different avenues that we've taken care of different levels of athletes whether it's the eight year old T ball team or whether it's professional sports. You want to talk a little bit about how we help the other chiropractors open those doors so they know how to do and get to where we were? Yeah. I've worked in rodeo now for a professional rodeo now for a lot of years, over 20 plus years, 30 years now. And also at the USGA level with golf professional golf. Yeah, I just started on my basic level at home working with the high school athletes and improving them. And then they would tell their friends. So it's a referral based kind of opportunity. Once you get good at something people start hearing about you. And as you start hearing about, as they start hearing about you, then you can now assess more people and you can actually get them back in your practice. For instance, one of the high schools down the road for me Has a group of parents that whenever they see an injured ankle appear in the game or at practice, and they hear about it, they call, they say, Hey, you got to call Dr. Stucky 245 3500. So they already know the number right off the top of their head and they can give that information. information directly to their other parent and their other teammates. But it's an interesting thing as you start getting more involved in the sport or sports, whatever it is, multiple sports, your name starts getting out there. So the more active you become and the more participatory you become sponsoring, putting your name out there, those are little things you can do. It doesn't take a lot of money. It doesn't take a lot, just show up and be part of it. It doesn't mean you're going to work the sidelines. It doesn't mean any of that. I never worked the sidelines in high school events. But they all come to my office and that's the other important factor. I've got more tools that I can utilize here in my office than I can on the sidelines anyway. And so as they become accustomed to coming to your office, it's a whole lot easier now to influence them and they get to see your messaging. They get to see your office. They get to see what you have in your office that gives them point blank information about chiropractic to come back to. Being in Illinois, I get a lot of people that call me up and say, Hey, I'm going to move to Chicago to become the chiropractor for the Cubs. Can you tell me exactly what two things I have to do that? And it always makes me laugh. There's only a few people in my office. That aren't going to be able to do that. So we want to apply really the sports and fitness council to that average guy that sees a lot more athletes than just one sport or one group of one club sport, one group sport, one professional athlete group. So we all have that opportunity. So it's a very difficult thing when you look at sports. How many teams are there? There's not that many, right? And usually that's a relationship thing. It's not. Something that I've been able to see, around different sports, like hockey, like you're involved with or baseball or football you gotta be in the right spot, the right time, the right everything has to align. So that doesn't happen too often, but when it does, it's an awesome thing. But, um, even the certifications, right? I have the CCSP from the American board of chiropractic sports physicians. I also have the international chiropractic sports physician also from the fix. So I've been through both of their programs. Fantastic knowledge base, great stuff, but that doesn't get you on the sport team. It doesn't get you on the sidelines. It doesn't help you that way, but you have to do the hard work yourself. I think that's the big point I want to give out is that really your certifications and your understanding doesn't give you anything. You have to do the groundwork and you have to deliver the goods, so to speak, right? You've got to be able to be there and be part of it. And when those opportunities arise, great. I've been able to work in water, in the water ski world and wake surf and and those kinds of competitions. And I've just been in the right spot at the right time. And even in my golf activity. I started volunteering at a very low level and it's now risen to the professional level. So it just takes time. It takes opportunity. It takes everything, but as you give, then you get it. And so that's your big opportunity to really look for is that. Don't be the one that's trying to get, try to give. And then that comes back in sandwiches. Like my uncle used to say, he said when you throw your bread across the water, it comes back in sandwiches. awesome. That's what I like about what we're doing here. We're trying to not only teach us some really cool sideline techniques and stuff you can do in athletes today and tomorrow, But we're also going to teach you how to get your foot in the door and how to become the business part of being a sports chiropractor too. So our certificate that we're working on is going to be a round. Rounded attitude, how to make you walk into a team and be confident again, whether it's T ball, whether it's the little league baseball, whether it's a beer league and hockey, whatever it is, you're going to be ready for it. Thanks for joining us. I'm going to give you the chance to, if you have any last final thoughts you'd like to share with us. No, we'd like to invite everybody to come and join us. I think our opportunities are big. We have some really cool things that are going to be happening with strong man. That's some big announcements there that you can participate in and just be part of it. We're going to have a lot of opportunity as we roll this thing out. And as we get more involved. With what chiropractors want and what they're looking for, but some neat techniques that we're going to be able to drive your way and to help you in your daily office activity. So wherever you're listening to us or watching us, make sure you like us and subscribe to us. We're going to have a lot more guests coming up here in the future, a lot more celebrities and chiropractic celebrities, athletes, and just general how to be a sports chiropractor in this podcast. And if you're looking for more information, always go to chiropractic. org. That's the ICA's website. From there, you can find everything and anything you need to know about what we're up to. All right, Dr. Stucky, I want to say thank you for joining us and have a great day. Thanks for being here. Bye everyone.