ICA ChiroCast

Dr Selina Sigafoose-Jackson - ICA President

International Chiropractors Association Season 1 Episode 6

Today we sit down with the current President of the ICA Dr Selina Sigafoose-Jackson.  Dr Selina shares her views of our sports and fitness science council.  Why would someone elect to complete the council's program and the power it can unlock

Hi, Dr. Brant Hulsebus again. Welcome to another podcast Sports and Fitness Science Council. Again, as we're starting this Podcast offered meeting with our different people on our board. And I wanted to do somebody who is on our board. I think exo de facto. I believe that she is on every board, a little involved in the ICA. So Dr. Selina, do you want to tell us who you are and why I would accuse you of being on every board of the ICA? I'm nosy. That's why I am on every board. I'm on every committee.. I'm Selina Sigafoose-Jackson. Yes, I'm the current president of the ICA. I'm serving my fourth and final year. And I got the latest chiropractor of the year and somebody asked me, wow, that's amazing. I said, no, all that means is you're old enough to receive it and you do a lot of work. So I show up on all the councils. That's, that is why I'm there. Big reason. The old days we'd say you answer your phone, but today we'd say you turn your computer on and get in the zoom Yeah, exactly. So we've you're one of the ones that helped task this group to help restart this ICA sports and fitness science council. Can you tell us a little bit, some of your goals, you're hoping to see the ICA sports and. fitness science council do? So what happened was we were evaluating all of our councils and we were recognizing that this particular council was very popular, but because of COVID, it had not been hitting the mark and it wasn't productive. And We made a decision me and some other individuals made a decision that it's a make or break time. And so it's worthy to make. So we just did our due diligence and spoke to a few people. And Dr. Todd McDougle had agreed that it was worthy of his time, energy and effort. So we just revamped it because we saw that. The history of this council is so rich and begun by Dr. Coralee Van Egmond, as well as, there is this history of which I'm a little testy about, but with Arnold Schwarzenegger. And so it just shouldn't be dropped. And if somebody was willing to do work and Todd was, and we pulled in people like you and my husband, Kevin Jackson, and the other people that are on this board, and Everybody has just hit the ground running and it's really impressive. And so what I would like to see is exactly what every council should be. Every council should be a diamond in the crown of the International Chiropractors Association. So whatever that might look like. It doesn't matter, but it needs to be basically glorifying the ICA and what I am seeing so far, the work that you guys are doing, you're heading there. All right. I've always was a regular at the Arnold classic, but I've always wished our sports council did more than just bodybuilding. That's how I got drug and do it. I talked too much. It's like an board position. So I'm excited to see us doing some just like the local kids and stuff like that in our neighborhoods and our community. How do you see this impacting, let's say I'm just a chiropractor and Little Main Street USA taking care of patients every day. What do you see the benefit of this council being for the your average? I just have a general wellness practice. How could I benefit from this group? So as a female, my techniques, I feel very confident after 35 years of practice that I could lay anybody on a table and do anything I needed to, but I'm 35 plus years, there's a lot of new grads that have a lot of. athletes that come into the office and they're Oh, what do I do? So I see. Oh, and here's the other thing. If you look at all the different diplomats that are in our profession and all the different certificates that people have, our new graduates want a certificate. They want to put something on their wall to prove that I am qualified and able. And so I believe what the Sports Fitness and Science Council will do Is we're going to create something of that sort where people get a certificate that they are certified to be able to take care of athletes on the field, off the field, in the office, anywhere they might choose to flash this so that they can have that confidence in their skills that we've developed over a lifetime, right? They can come out and get this certificate. And that is a, it's a whole team of people behind them saying, you got this. Makes them brave to walk into a room and tell people, hey, I can take care of athletes. I have this. I have training. I have specialty. You should really consider me over the average chiropractor because of this. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And then I'm learning about some of the people in our group actually have some really cool sports techniques that apply to athletes. I'm not one of them. I just have experience working with athletes, but it's some of the cool techniques that we could learn to make us better hands on not only better ways to down at the table to talk to the team why you should hire me. But also check out what I can do. And a couple of those techniques too. You want to hit Yeah so we know Dr. McDougle has been in strongman arena and, he with his disability of his arm that he had prior to even entering chiropractic school has created a technique that he can get immediate results table side. My husband Kevin Jackson has created a cranium cervical technique that was birthed out of his desire to protect children in football as he created a helmet and shoulder pad design, but a technique that moms can take to the side of the field. and do this technique and again, have immediate results. People want to see even if it's better range of motion or better strength, people are realizing, okay, pain may come and go. We all know that, but to have the evidence immediately with strength and range of motion is key. We have a couple of other individuals that have been heavily involved in sports and can do whether it's upper cervical work or lumbar work or everywhere in between, they have been doing it for years, decades, and they are part of this council. So it's exciting to be able to bring this through the ICA. It's always been there, but we're bringing it in an organized fashion. That sounds like a lot of fun. I know for myself, when I wanted to be the team chiropractor for our local team, I just started showing up every day. I really wasn't sure what you're supposed to do. I just kept going there and eventually they asked me to start taking care of their players. So the other part I'm excited about is being able to teach that the business aspect, how to open the front door and walk in, whether it's with a professional team or just a local T ball team. And I know in your practice you have lots of those athletes and stuff in your practice. So you want to share anything on the, Part of it is that the name Sigafoose and Jackson Chiropractic has been in York County since 1991, so when people think chiropractor, they think of us just because we have roots, we're grounded, and it is where my dad began, so Sigafoose has a little extra, but We're blessed that most people do come to us and you're right, Brant, the business side of things of how are you tenacious enough? You've been tenacious to go out, but you also have a name of many years in a location. I think, aren't you 75, right? So you and I are blessed to be second, you're what generation chiropractor? Third. Yeah, so I'm second generation, and so we're blessed to have a little bit of wind behind us, but a lot of kids coming out have the wind against 'em. And so there's individuals in this council that are willing for nothing, right? You're not charging a fee. They don't have to sign up and. a contract and pay you so much money. This is what ICA is offering through the council because it's the right thing to do and we have the right people sitting in the right spots on the bus to be able to provide the information needed. Correct. Even though we're not sports, even though we're sports related, we're not coaching. We're just more guidance and mentoring. Yeah I know I'm very excited for this. I know we have some, we're going to start making appearances at different places. I know Dr. Jackson talked about being at New Beginnings here coming up. I'm going to have you at the Pro Hockey Chiropractic Society, Dr. McDougle, wherever there's people larger than seven feet tall, four, 500 pounds, Dr. McDougle is going to be there. So I'm going to, start seeing this out and about. So I just wanted to sit down with our president of the ICA and kind of touch base with you. So thank you for tuning in and joining us. I appreciate that. And if you have any other final words up, we're here to listen. only final word that I have to say is that, the set, there's that saying when a student is ready, the teacher will come. That kind of plays out with this council. When the council was ready to say, okay, it's time. It's time. It's just shocking. All of you individuals that have come and have descended upon this. Just so everybody knows, these guys meet almost every single week, every Tuesday night for an hour plus. Now, sometimes they shoot the breeze, but most of the time it's all about moving forward. And I can't tell you that there's anybody else on the planet that's better positioned than the guys that have signed up. stepped up and said, yes, that are on these podcasts. And I'm just blessed to be able to be somebody that said, Hey, why don't you take this? And man, you guys are taking it and running. So I'm grateful. I'm very grateful for today, but also for the future of chiropractic. Thank you. So if you get to listen to this podcast, make sure you like us and subscribe to us. Always go to chiropractic. org to learn more about the ICA and the sports and fitness science council. And we look forward to talking to you more in the future. And thank you very much, Dr. Selina, Thank you.