ICA ChiroCast

Peter Gratale DC - ICA Sports and Fitness Science Council

International Chiropractors Association Season 1 Episode 2

Meet our Board.  Dr Peter Gratale was our previous president of our board and has rejoined us to help us reshape the direction.  Dr Pete always brings it.

Hi everybody. Welcome. Excited to welcome you to another one of our podcasts. As we've launched this podcast, the ICA Sports and Fitness Science Council, and the idea behind this whole podcast is to tell you who we are the board is this first couple podcasts and then later on we're going to bring in all kinds of guests and I guess today is going to be really instrumental of that I have a feeling not only relaunching us pre post covid because covid came and screwed everything up including our council but this gentleman we had to have on our council because he's our veteran he's the guy that's done it all before and not only that but he's the guy that knows everybody so we had him to keep we've got to get guests we got to know the guy that knows everybody so without further ado Well, without further ado, I want to introduce our, to be this week's guest and board member and previous leader of this group Dr. Pete. Dr. Pete, tell us a little bit who you are and what you're up to. I'm Dr. Pete Gratale from Teaneck, New Jersey, and I'm still practicing after 38 years, and practice mainly the SOT technique, taught to me by the major himself. And I think it's important I say, start off with chiropractic because that's what this group is trying to reestablish a legacy of chiropractic technique. And so learning from the major, he was 93 years old, they actually learned category one from the major himself. Major Bertrand DeJarnette, I must mention his name. And yeah, it's cool. And I was also a muscle head. So I was going to the gym doing squats and bench presses and also doing cranial sacral tech techniques. And that's what chiropractic is. You know, we're into health. We're into fitness. You know, sometimes people have come up to me in life and you're a doctor. Yeah. You're a chiropractor, right? Because you're in shape. Yes. You know, they know it. They know it that's what the chiropractic profession has to become. You have to become a living example of what a chiropractor is, and there's a lot of things that go into that. And that's what our council have has always upheld. You know, we're talking at least 27 years putting on the Arnold Schwarzenegger symposium on natural fitness and sports health science with some of the greatest guests. I was president for like six years, but before me, presidents like Jerry Matea, who took a young guy like me, I was on a few TV shows. He said, he was the only one in chiropractic that said, come and join us. And people like Bill Perl and Reg Park and Lee Haney and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Colombo. And and before me many people had World Series and Super Bowl rings. So we have a legacy as sports chiropractors. We have a legacy already. And I'm getting old. I try to keep the legacy going, you know, with the websites and the Facebook and all that stuff. But now it's, we need to inspire the young people. We need to inspire them. And one of the things that inspires me about our council, Is it's a meeting of the minds. It's a meeting. It's a it's let me say what let me just read what I said to restore the tradition of chiropractic healers in the sports and fitness arena to restore the tradition. So young people just say, Yeah, I want to do that because it's hard to get the young people, you know, but we've and then I turned the page. And I wrote wizards, like that. wizards. If you ever watched Todd McDougle adjust the strongest man in the world, you're watching a wizard because the strongest man in the world doesn't say, Hey apprentice, come over here and cast a spell on me. No, the world's strongest man. Who's about to lift the most gigantic weight of all time. S Todd McDougle to adjust him first. I mean, come on. said, wizards. it's all Yeah, because I believe in magic. By the way, I believe in magic. Even you, you might think I'm crazy, I can never, I'm 38 years, 38 years in practice. And I'm one of those chiropractors that can never retire because did Merlin retire? Did Gandalf retire? I don't think Todd McDougle is going to retire No. now. So the wizards, what we could do as a, as an organization is teach the legacy, teach the techniques. We're the masters. Let's have apprentices, an apprentice. Let's have fellowship. Let's make, you're not going to change the world, but let's make like more of a New Earth Yeah. vibe. And one of the things that, one of the actionable steps that I love It's friggin Kevin Jackson with his CCJ, I don't even know what it is, uh, cranial, uh, cervical, occlutant I don't know. Yeah. the Jackson protocol, the Jackson protocol. I'm gonna tell, I'm gonna tell Kevin on the meeting tonight. It should be called the Jack, the Jackson protocol. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to work on the major protocol, pelvic blocking. There you go. We're going to have the Joe, the Amunategui, the it's that's all it's going to be called the Amanita and Poor students have to learn so on and so such but we're trying to restore the tradition of chiropractic adjusting. In the sports and fitness realm, that could be the logo. Absolutely. I'll end at that unless you have any more questions for me. No, we got to make sure the next generation understands even how to interact with these athletes, how to talk to athletes and stuff like that. And you got so much experience with that to share with everybody. I know when I started taking care of athletes 20 years ago, I just walked in and said, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm just going to do what I do in my office. But talking to athletes is a whole different breed of people. They, their body is their entire investment. That's everything they own is in their body. If their body breaks down, that's it. They don't have anything else to fall back on. And that's where they need us. and you bring a very good counterpoint that you have levels, you know, you have I've, I've worked with, high school athletes, I've worked with coaches, I've worked with colleges, I've worked with sports teams, I've worked with professional bodybuilders, I've worked on TV shows with about fitness. Everybody has, there are different niches. Like you being the hockey guy, You know, you're the hockey guy. I wouldn't even know what to do in a hockey situation But that's the strength of the council that you got the hockey guy You got the bodybuilder guy. You got the strongman guy. You got the extremity guy And I should be remiss in saying we have some what's some of the smartest most attractive specialists in our female population. Yep. Some of our girls are the best in the world and they presented, they and they presented on our stage. They've done chiropractic, they've done neurology, they've done yoga, they've done Tai Chi. They've been our guests, female, some of the greatest female bodybuilders of all time. Some of the greatest bodybuilders of all time. Some of the greatest athletes with the rings on their finger. I love chiropractors. Oh, I was the chiropractor for the world champions. If you're the chiropractor for the world champion, they give you a ring. And I know a few guys that have a couple of them, so that's what the ICA wants to represent. You know, that we've always been in the in crowd of being on the top echelon of sports. Let's keep it going. Absolutely. And you talked about doing the Arnold for so many years. I don't know if you saw my Facebook post today from my clinic. But I have a picture of myself with Arnold and a picture of 20 years ago with my father with Arnold at the same conference. And you Oh, great. is Lou Ferrigno. I got to meet him at your conference. And I did the last 9 of the last 10 conferences. And My, my father never got a picture with Arnold, but he did get a picture with Lee Haney and he looks so happy in that picture. I should post it on the ICA site just to see what happiness is, you know? Yeah. So yeah, so we got a lot of we got lots of fun stuff coming at you and you know Keep coming back to this podcast. Dr. Pete's gonna get some of those people just talked about this podcast with me I'm gonna talk about chiropractic and how we can get into different sports realms. We got bored more. Dr. Pete gave a great great Preview to dr. Jackson and dr. Joe and other things that are coming So keep coming back subscribe follow us like us and come back for more. Dr. Pete. Hey, Brant, let me just ask what's the one place, maybe the Facebook page ICA Fitness, where everybody could comment on these posts and these podcasts Oh yeah, we could post all the fun stuff. I think it is ICA Fitness. On Facebook, I think that's the one we're using yeah, and if you just go something else, I'll put on ICA Facebook Facebook go somewhere else, but let's get a community. Let's get the community absolutely, we're gonna have links on chiropractic. org, which is the ICA main page, if you get there, you'll find us, guarantee you can find us from there, and that's, I always try to say the easiest website, chiropractic. org is the simplest one, and from there you'll find us Can I say one? Can I say one more thing? please do. Whoever trims your beard did a great Ha. Ha, Ha, Ha, You're looking you're looking very good, my man I'm not allowed to do it. My wife told I did it one time. My wife told me, you can't do it no more and she asked me to go see this guy. Now it works out great. So there you Hey, great, man, great, great, he became a patient. That's how life works. Right. Alright thanks for joining this podcast. I'll see you in a little while because we have a We're so dedicated. We have a meeting in like 20 minutes nonstop meetings. It's great. So, we're planning and planning and planning. Good things are coming. See you all soon. Bye, Bye. All right, cool